The answer is simple and perhaps, more fundamental than you might think. They are that:

1. You have to occupy physical space.

2. You have to die at some point.

The rest, believe it or not, is a choice.

We often hear people say. 'I have to pay the bills', 'I have to go to work' and many other have to's, some of which may have come to mind when you considered the question above. In fact, these are all choices. Accepted, the consequence of choosing not to do them may be highly unpalatable but they are choices, nonetheless.

A choice is simply a decision, involving the consideration of options and their consequences. That being so, everything we do and face in our lives involves us in the decision making process, be that at home, at work or at play.

Recognising the importance and impact of decision making, it is surprising how little attention we give to understanding and improving our ability to make decisions.

The decision profile is a questionnaire based, psychometric tool which facilitates this, giving you a detailed understanding of how you approach decision making and the relative importance you attach to Risk, Decisiveness and Luck, the key influencers in decision making. Uniquely, it also explores the extent to which you experience and incorporate intuition into your decision making.

The Decision Profile supports work at the individual, group and organisational level and is augmented by options to engage in individual, team and organisational development interventions, to better understand and improve the entire decision-making process.

To find out how the Decision Profile can improve your, your teams or organisation's decision making and consequent performance, DECIDE to contact us at